So, July 9th was our 4-year wedding anniversary. Crazy, right? I agree!
Daniel and I celebrated four wonderful years as a married couple.
Right before our anniversary, we got a sweet present from my Dad, Karla, and Gramma D. There were so many awesome things in the package!!! THANK YOU!!!

On our actual anniversary, Daniel surprised me with the sweetest bouquet of flowers ever. They were ridiculously beautiful and huge!! :-) What a great guy.

The next day (the 10th), we hopped a bus to Chuncheon - it's about a two-hour bus ride from Sokcho. Chuncheon is beautiful - a much bigger city than Sokcho. We chose Chuncheon for that specific reason - we wanted a little taste of home. In Chuncheon, there are all kinds of familiar restaurants -- we chose to visit Outback, Starbucks, and McDonald's.

When we stepped inside Outback, I almost cried. It just felt good to see a familiar place again - the inside of a Korean Outback looks EXACTLY like the inside of an American Outback. So fun! For those who are curious, Daniel and I went for a strictly starch menu: Aussie Fries (they didn't have Bloomin' Onions!!), a salad, a steak, a baked potato, and a baked sweet potato. Delicious!

The next morning, we got up early (okay, not so early -- like 8 a.m.) and went to Starbucks. We got drinks (D got a caramel macchiato and I got a hot chocolate) and breakfast (D got a muffin and I got a BAGEL AND CREAM CHEESE). We sat in Starbucks soaking up the familiarity of it all (except the random Jelly in Your Coffee promo...) and talking. After a while, D got a drink for the road (iced caramel macchiato) and some coffee.

We checked out the underground mall that's right by Starbucks. It was just that -- a mall underneath the ground. However, this mall was different than malls in the states - each store was just a CROWDED stall -- no giant, spacious stores.

We then went to an art gallery that was supposed to be really cool. Turns out, it was one artist who had painted the exact same thing (lights reflecting off water at night) a million times. We spent about five minutes there. :-)
After that, we decided to take a short walk to the lake. So, we started walking. We walked and walked and walked and walked. Then, we rested for five minutes. Then we walked and walked and walked some more. Finally, we decided to take a cab. We wound up at one of the most random places ever -- the Memorial Hall for Ethiopian Veterans in the Korean War.
We checked out some things in the hall, then we went across the street to a sculpture garden. We had a GREAT time checking things out there.

We also saw a very cool water clock in the sculpture garden.
After that, we went to McDonald's.
Then, we went home.
All in all, a pretty amazing way to celebrate our anniversary. I'm so blessed to be married to such an amazing guy!! :-)