Saturday, August 22, 2009

vacation part 3!!!

soo here is my picture blog/take of our vacation. a little different twist on what tova has done, hope you enjoy!

First day on vacation we walked around the lake, and here is my impersionation of the sokcho dude!

we then visited a traditional village

we then when to sokcho beach:

we then hiked all the way up to a cave on the side of a mountain. CRAZY!

more views of seoraksan:
probably the coolest picture i've taken. (this was a sign for a coffee shop though :-p)

we then went to seoul, and the DMZ. here is a picture of me IN North Korea standing next to a south korean military officer. dude was INTENSE!

i found it a little unnerving that right when i went to take a picture of the north korean military officer he immediatley picked up his binoculars and looked RIGHT AT ME! YIKES!

We then visited a beautiful palace in seoul:

random bush animal :-p

final view of seoul:
and my favorite:

seu-ta-buk-seu caw-pe :-)

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is AWESOME! There doesn't seem to be any concern about copyright infringement here. I can buy a frappucino at Expo Park (puh-lap-uh-chee-no) in hangul.
