Sunday, October 11, 2009

Making Kimchi ~ Thank you, Matthew Campbell!

A great friend of ours in Sokcho made kimchi the other day and posted the pictures. Being a great Facebook stalker, I decided to totally steal the pictures and the captions to make an interesting blog post of my own.
All of the food was bought and prepared by Matthew Campbell. All of the pictures were taken by Matthew Campbell. All of the information comes from Matthew Campbell.
Thank you for the blog material! :-)

Cabbage! Yum.
All sliced up. Just waiting to rot. :-)

Lazy cabbage.

Since cabbage is the star of kimchi, it only makes sense that it would be the star of this post.

Cabbage. :-)

Cabbage. Pretty cabbage.

Salt? I think. I'm pretty sure.

Cabbage with salt all over it.

Salted cabbage.

It's still chillin in some salt.

Now, the salt is getting washed off.

Washing off the salt.

The cabbage is drying. It only makes sense after chillin in salt for a while and then washing it off.

The ingredients. Looks delicious to me! :-)


Red pepper powder.

The starch is ready.

Garlic is getting chopped.

Green onions.

Salted fermented shrimp.
By FAR my least favorite ingredient. Do you see the eyes? Not a fan.

Asian pear and apple.

Getting ready!

Looks delish so far!

Apple, pear, and onion puree. Yum!


Ginger without the outside. Wierd.

Straight from M.C.: Note: Ginger is in a bit of water. It's really chewy so soak and squeeze out the juice into the mixture. Throw away the solids.

Mixing the ingredients.

All finished! Now they just need to sit there for two weeks to rot, and you have delicious, homemade kimchi!!!! I think I might actually ask for a recipe ~ minus the shrimp, of course. :-)

Thanks again, Matthew! :-)


  1. looks delicious, Fresh Kimchi goes well with pork meat.

  2. Ah.. shrimp~ Instead of shrimp you can put some pickled[salted] yellow corvina or oyster,
    if you dont not like it.:)
