Sunday, November 1, 2009


I love my job. I love my coteacher. I love absolutely everything about my career in Korea. I am having a blast.

My coteacher and I taught a class on Friday that we needed to tape. (There's an upcoming contest for the Korean teachers that she needed it for.) It was a blast.

After the class, BoRam approached me with the video camera. She wanted me to describe my thoughts about the class. I took that opportunity to share some completely mature thoughts that show evidence of how incredibly well-educated and wonderful I am.

Enjoy. :-)
Here is a link to the video, just in case it's not working:
(Thank you, Dad!!!)

Everything referenced in the video is a true story, by the way. :-)


  1. HURRY - and fix the tech difficulties! ! I can't wait to see the "interview"!

    By the way, since you have snow already, have you made any snow-angels yet? :-)

  2. I was sooo glad the technical probs were fixed, and I could see the interview - (both of them, actually! :-)

    What a wonderful, comfortable connection you seem to have with Bo Ram, and it was so good to have you share that special "interview" time with all of us!
