its been a crazy time these last couple of weeks!
first of all a tank came by and almost ran over tova and some friends of ours luckily i was there to save tova, as for our friends its best not to talk about them :-p . . .

pretty much, its been 200 days since we first set foot in sokcho! how crazy is that?!
it has been a great time, and we are truly blessed beyond measure.
the toughest part had been the anxiety of not knowing when we were going to move.
to recap. . . we moved in to our old apartment december 20th. feb. 3rd we were told that we needed to move. we barely had over a month to get settled in, and once we felt like we could settle in, then we were told we had to move by the end of the month. even though the time table changed, we have been living with a pending move over our heads. (in korea they could tell you "you are moving next week" and thats normal)
i dont think tova or i really understood how much of a relief it is to be in OUR place. once we moved, and started to really get situated we felt like we could really settle down, and not have to worry about a pending move. the lease was signed for 2 years, so if we stay 2 years, we will NEVER have to move again. (the contract will expire 6 months after we would leave) this is AWESOME. already we have put up pictures around the house, done a little decorating, and i even added some door handles to a door that was lacking door handles (something i wouldnt do at the old apartment cause of the pending move)
to sum up, it feels AWESOME. to know that you are in a place, and its home, to know you can settle and put down some roots, just makes everything so much better. (seriously, the air even smells better :-p )
it doesnt mean that we are going to stay here forever, it doesnt mean anything like that. as much as we get settled, there is still the little thing in the back of our brains that tells us this is for a short time. we know that, but at least we can be settled, and feel like we have a home.
all i can say is that, even though we are thousands of miles away God is still good, and He still is keeping watch over us!