alligators = florida
florida = some kind of normalcy
i miss alligators :-/
i am not getting truly home sick, i am still having the time of my life, and i am happy.
i just miss some knd of normalcy.
after 5 months of being barraged with EVERYTHING from EVERY ANGLE being so foreign and so different, it would be nice for a little bit of normalcy.
i guess i have been able to make the apartment and things like that "normal" but still, i would LOVE to have one day where i dont feel like a complete foreigner.
another reason why i am feeling this way is that i have been sick for a solid week, and its just getting old :-p
tomorrow i have the day off. maybe being cocooned in the apartment with tova will charge up by batteries a lil and make me feel like i dont miss the aligators as much :-p
hey, broski. we need to talk again on skype. i miss you. almost every day i think of something that you would think was funny and then i want to call you on your cell phone but you are not there:( hope you are doing well and feeling better!