Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Fun times!
We went out with Cedrick today. He had so much fun getting put on random things and standing in the freezing cold snow!! :-)

Friday, December 26, 2008
getting to work after a blizzard = fun!!!
My time to work these past couple of days has been rather interesting to say the least.
I was waiting at the corner and there were about 500 million people waiting there as well . . . and they kept on coming! (because of the snow storm) The bus came and a ton of people got on and there still were a lot of people waiting. People were making the turn down the street/hill where we live and they were coming very close to hitting people, it was SCARY! Then I realized that everyone was walking down the street (against the flow of traffic) to get in front of me to catch any of the cabs! So I started walking and got in front of some people and FINALLY talked to a cabbie. He told me NO! the next cabbie pantomimed to me that I needed to catch a taxi on the other side of the street since he was headed in the opposite direction. So I crossed the street and waited. And I waited, and I waited. I was seriously getting worried (45 minutes of waiting) when an suv stopped and asked if I was going to sokcho! Now for those of you who don’t know . . . the city I live in is Sokcho! It was an suv filled with people that I thought looked like the people I worked with so I got in! seriously, I got in to a car filled with people who I thought possibly maybe looked like the people I worked with. After a couple of minutes of being in the car I realized that I didn’t fully ask them if they were going to my school, and I started to doubt weather or not I worked with these people! I started to freak out a little bit. I thought that the car was headed the right way, but at the same time I had no clue, and the doubts about the people started to creep in to my assurance that we were going the right way to school! At this point the anxiety and stress started to build, and I started to get really uncomfortable with my current predicament. (all this while we were driving down streets where at best there was a solid inch of ice covering the roads at best, and at worst 8 inches of SOLID ICE or so in hilly and mountainess sokcho). We let one person out and kept driving. Then as we were driving the driver spotted someone he recognized and offered her a ride. When she turned her head I realized that she was one of the ladies that I work with in the English department at school! We continued our drive to school, all anxiety now gone, and I got to school safe and sound.
Everyone parked at the bottom of the hill leading to my school. There was a truck trying to get up the hill and it wasn’t working that well. He was pretty much going backwards. . . eek!
That was tuesday . . .
Now for wednesdays adventure . . .
I saw how hard it was to catch a cab on wednesday:

(side note: I would normally ride a bike to work, that is going to be my primary source of transportation to and from work, but with the blizzard leaving at least 3 feet of snow there is NO WAY that I can bike. There are buses that go close to my school, but I don’t know which ones which only leaves a taxi to get me to and from work)
I am waiting and waiting, the whole time almost getting hit by cars, buses and bulldozers (no joke) when a car stops and a women gets out. I HAFTA BE THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE! The women who gets out is one of the teachers at my school and she recognized me. She asked if I was waiting for the bus, and I said I was waiting for a taxi or a bus, just something to get me to the school! She said that there were quite a few students from my school waiting for the bus so she asked one of them how long he had been waiting, he said 45 minutes! I thought I had it bad since I was waiting for 35 minutes! He said that he called his parents and his parents were going to drive him to work and offered us both a ride! Seriously, I could not be luckier! (Tova said I should play the lotto!)
Then when I got to work I had to walk up the steep icy hill to get to the school. All the schoolboys, who were lucky to get there, were hanging out of the windows watching everyone walking up the hill. When someone would slip or fall you would hear them cheering! Ode to be 15 again, cause I would be doing the same thing!
So that’s been getting to work in snowy icy Sokcho. I am hoping that I figure out a better way to get to work then gambling on a ride from strangers!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
merry christmas!!!!!
(ps tommorow will be a funnier post of how i got to work on tues and wed after the storm!)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
How awesome is my family???
Little Flower:
Friday, December 19, 2008
here is a quick run down of the apartment which tova has yet to see.
1: it is in a 15 year old building, but the inside was just refurbished not to long ago.
2: its on the 15th floor
3: it has wonderful views of the mountains AND the east sea
4: its furnished, with almost everything (if not everything) in the apartment being only 1 year old
5: its a one bedroom apartment, but has 2 offices
6: it has its own washing maching
7: it has a tv, sofa, microwave toaster combo (NOT JOKING!), rice cooker, a 2 burner countertop burner (they dont have ovens) dining room table and chairs, a bike for me (daniel) to take to work, bed, fridge, water purifier, did i mention wonderful views?

ultimatley, its going to be AWESOME!!!! the people who lived there before took really good care of the place and we are going to be really comfortable. the kitchen is probably the smallest we've ever had, but its going to be really nice! we are looking forward to it.
we may or may not be able to get internet right away. there is some paperwork that needed to get filled out and we dont know if it was turned in in time. if it was we should have immediate internet, if not then probably monday? they set up the internet fast here.
next week is when the rubber really hits the road for tova and I. i will finally be getting my own desk and chairs in my new office (shared office space) i wont be doing lessons until next monday, but i will use all my time next week to prepare for the following week. it will be during supplemental times so i wont have as many students so i can eeze my way into things. i also have to set up lessons for the english speaking teachers as well. i dont know how many i have to do, or what to cover, so next week will be good in trying to nail down those details as well.
well, its moving, unpacking, shopping, and trying to figure out how to get to our jobs from our apartment for this weekend. should be exciting!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dinner tonight...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Last night (Wednesday night)
Monday, December 15, 2008
1st day of school
we are in a transitional period in the schools on two fronts:
1: the teachers we are replacing are still in the schools and,
2: its testing time, which means the kids don't have classes and just have tests all day
so we went in and met our respective vice-principals and principals. story of the day:
my principal asked where i was from, and i said florida
he asked where i went to university and i said greenville illinois
he asked me why i traveled so far to go to university, and i said that i was born in chicago
my principal said "i know chicago, obama from chicago"
no matter your personal feelings obama has definitley captured lots of peoples imagination.
we then learned about our placements some more, tova met her students (they were really excited and called her mrs. america!), mine were testing.
then we drove to get our alien registration cards. its really interesting to think of us as aliens:

apparantley we cant get anything done without it, so its pretty important. we then checked out cell phones. we are probably going to get cell phones since they only cost 15 bucks a month.
then we tried to go out to eat by ourselves. we ordered what i thought was a green onion pancake. but instead it came with all kinds of sea food, which i am not a fan of. octopus legs and other things were on top of it, and i couldnt eat it :-/ at the very least we also ordered fried chicken and it was very good.
all in all pretty interesting day, learned a lot, and knew new ways to order food!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Things I will never get used to...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
first full day

we are not kidding when we say that we actually walked on that path! we walked around and checked out some of the sights. then. . . big news. . . . are you sitting down . . .
WE BOUGHT AN IRON!!!!!! i know, its hard to believe! all of our clothing is so wrinkled from being packed and then getting wet, it was an investment we had to make :-p we went to the local hi-mart (think best buy without the cd's) and got to use our very very very rudimentary korean.
we then went home and got geared up to go out to eat with our district coordinator and some of the teachers in the area. when we got to the place it was very different from the other places we have eaten, it had a table and chairs. the other places had very low tables and you sat on the floor.
then people started to pour in! we didnt realize how many english speaking people are in this area. they all seem really nice, and supportive, and had nothing bad to say about the area.
after hanging out and talking for a while, we left and went back to our apt (almost getting lost, thankfully we have the tower as a reference point)
we will be moving in to our place in friday (we think) they told us the apartment has a wonderful view of the mountains AND OCEAN!!!!!
when we get settled we will update you!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
In Sokcho...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm going to miss you all! Even though I may not see many of you on a regular basis, it FEELS different. I am so grateful for all of the absolutely amazing family and friends that Daniel and I have in our lives. Thank you so much for everything!!!!!!
in virginia
1: florida
2: georgia
3: tennesse
4: kentucky
5: illinois
6: south carolina
7: north carolina
8: virginia
in all we are going to be traveling over 5,000 in just 9 days. crazy? yes. necessary . . . yes
tova and i both had our last days at our jobs. said good bye to a lot of people that we are going to miss A LOT!!!
i was thinking that i am not all that excited. in all honesty i am way too busy to be happy. way too many things that are on my mind that need to get done. this is also shared with me being sad. part defense mechanism, part reality. if i dont think about missing everyone, then it won't hurt right? :-(
anyways . . . we are chilling in virginia, then tommorow its driving back down to jaksonville, but making a stop in south carolina , and a stop in ponte vedra to see people before getting to my house seeing my 'rents and sister and brother-in-law.
busy busy busy, should get everything done :-p
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
We're actually going...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
back in jax
or saving my sister from a killer anaconda:
Friday, November 28, 2008
Question time...

we should be ready to go to korea very shortly.
here is a little explaining as to this whole process and how his went down. we know that it has been such a shock for everyone to hear about us leaving, but seriously . . . it is even a larger shock to us. we are really sorry for people who have heard about this third/fourth hand and not from us, hopefully we can explain this past week and how fast this time table has been for us.
tues. 18th: no job prospects, we are thinking of leaving in february
wed. 19th: at night we get a job lead for a position that starts the december 15th
thurs. 20th: have an interiew at night
fri. 21st: in the morning we have contracts, tova gives her 2 weeks notice
sat 22nd: lots of freakin' out :-p, daniel gives his notice, tell our childrens pastors next sunday is our last sunday
sun 23rd: we go to church and tell everyone that next week is our last week at church. we are sad
mon. 24th: our shipping date was moved to december 10th! giving us even less time to see everyone, and pack. we start "trying" to get plans to see people
tues. 25th: we get our notice of placement which gives us the ability to get our visas. we change our plans to include a stop in atlanta so we can stop at the korean consulate to apply for our visas
wed. 26th: we start our trip to atlanta, apply for visas and drive to paducah kentucky
thurs. 27th: THANKSGIVING!!!!! get to hang out with family
fri. 28th: hanging out in champaign . . .
the next week or so we are traveling back to jacksonville, working our last days, driving to miami, driving to richmond va, and back to jacksonville, not to mention packing the rest of our things and getting ready to go. its crazy!!!!
keep is in prayer as we start this crazy adventure, and we will be keeping everyone updated with this blog and via e-mails